Please provide your organization's comments on the draft 2022 draft policy initiatives roadmap:
The CAISO cites three primary drivers for the draft 2022 policy initiatives roadmap: increased resource and load variability, increasing amounts of storage resources, and economic and reliability benefits of greater integration of Western markets. PPC wants to highlight the importance of coordinating the timing related to initiatives related to the third driver identified by the CAISO - the greater integration of Western markets. While the Extended Day Ahead Market (EDAM) initiative is clearly a central focus of the CAISO’s effort to achieve a greater integration of Western markets, that initiative will not stand on its own. There are several important initiatives not under the Extended Day-Ahead Market umbrella that will critically shape the day-ahead market design that would serve as the foundation of an expanded CAISO day-ahead market. The outcome of these initiatives will help determine whether EIM Entities will ultimately choose to participate in an extension of the CAISO day-ahead market. These initiatives include Day Ahead Market Enhancements, Price Formation, Resource Sufficiency Evaluation, and Transmission Services & Market Scheduling Priorities.
As shown on slide 18 of the CAISO’s presentation, the first two of these initiatives are not included in the “regional markets” grouping of initiatives. While it is appropriate to include these initiatives in the “market design” grouping as shown, it is also important to recognize that these initiatives will also impact the likelihood of achieving a more widely integrated Western market through EDAM. PPC notes that several of the initiatives listed will not be resolved prior to the planned conclusion of EDAM. While this may potentially be workable, given the plan to have all these initiatives implemented concurrently, PPC is concerned this timeline is at risk given recent delays in CAISO initiatives. If the four initiatives identified above are not resolved before entities are asked to commit to an Extended Day Ahead Market, entities would be put in the position to commit to participation in a market without knowing critical details about how that market will operate, and – at least as currently proposed in the latest EDAM principles – entities that choose to participate would be required to expose all their loads and resources to that unknown market design with no immediate remedy to avoid exposure to market rules to which they potentially do not agree. It will be critical for the success of EDAM that CAISO keeps these timelines coordinated and does not allow those initiatives that are related to, but not under the official umbrella of EDAM to be delayed beyond the conclusion of the EDAM discussions.
Provide your organization's comments on the 2022 revised draft catalog:
In the 2022 revised draft catalog CAISO has updated the Day Ahead Market Enhancements initiative to reflect that the decision classification is under “Joint Authority.” The CAISO explains:
Imbalance reserves will also have an important role in the extended day-ahead market (EDAM). They will allow EDAM to optimize across the EDAM footprint the scheduling of capacity reserved to meet real-time ramping needs. They will also ensure EDAM transfers have a high and constant degree of reliability. Finally, they will likely be a part of the EDAM’s resource sufficiency evaluation, which ensures each BAA is making sufficient supply available to the market.[1]
PPC agrees and supports changing the decision classification to “Joint Authority.”
There are two other initiatives in the catalog which should be changed to Joint Authority both under existing rules and following the reasoning explained above.
First, the Price Formation initiative, which “will explore several topics related to price formation in the CAISO markets focused on real-time market pricing.”[2] This initiative is currently identified as being under the EIM Governing Body’s “Advisory” authority. According to the updated decision classification rules for the EIM Governing Body:
The EIM Governing Body will have joint authority with the Board of Governors to approve or reject a proposal to change or establish a tariff rule applicable to the EIM Entity balancing authority areas, EIM Entities, or other market participants within the EIM Entity balancing authority areas, in their capacity as participants in EIM.[3]
Given that changes to real-time pricing will affect settlements for both those in the CAISO BAA and EIM Entities, per the updated decision classification rules, the Price Formation initiative should be under the Joint Authority of both the CAISO Board of Governors and the EIM Governing Body. To the extent that day ahead market prices are also discussed during this initiative, similar to DAME, these discussions will be foundational for the day ahead market – applied to both those in CAISO’s BAA and EDAM Entities – and thus ought to be under joint authority.
Second, the Transmission Services and Market Scheduling Priorities which “focuses on the development of a long-term, durable, framework for establishing scheduling priorities in the market for load, export, and wheel-through transactions”[4] Following the same reasoning as DAME, it would be appropriate to have the decision on this initiative under Joint Authority. Changes made under TSMSP will impact relative priority of different uses of the transmission system in both the day ahead and real time market.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the 2022 revised draft catalog and for all the work that CAISO staff continues to do on these important initiatives.
[1] CAISO 2022 Revised Draft Policy Initiatives Catalog, pg. 16 http://www.caiso.com/InitiativeDocuments/2022RevisedDraftPolicyInitiativesCatalog.pdf
[2] Id.
[3] Charter for Energy Imbalance Market Governance, pg. 3 https://www.westerneim.com/Documents/CharterforEnergyImbalanceMarketGovernance.pdf
[4] CAISO 2022 Revised Draft Policy Initiatives Catalog, pg. 15