Please provide a summary of your organization’s comments on the draft Tariff language.
AES Clean Energy, “AES,” appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on the CAISO’s Interconnection Process Enhancement Draft Tariff. AES’s comments mainly request clarity on the tariff language.
In the proposed definitions under Appendix A, AES recommends the CAISO insert a definition for “Sub-Zonal Constraint” given the Final Proposal’s focus on qualifying projects in the Deliverable Zones based on whether sub-zonal constraints exist. While the current Appendix A already includes definitions for Area Deliverability Constraint and Local Deliverability Constraint, the CAISO should insert a definition for sub-zonal constraints for the purposes of identifying valid interconnection requests for scoring.
Under the proposed Section 3.5.2, the CAISO states, “The Scoping Meeting will be segregated by Transmission Zone and Cluster Study criteria.” AES seeks clarification if this would mean that there will be group scoping meetings for each Transmission Zone that is further divided by the different request types. For example, will each Transmission Zone have four scoping meetings: one for deliverable zones, one for merchant zones, one for reimbursable energy-only, and one for non-reimbursable energy-only?
Under the proposed Section 4.1, AES seeks clarity on how the CAISO would treat projects behind constraints or not selected through scoring based on the 150% limit. The CAISO should specify what happens to projects that are not selected through scoring or are behind constraints. Under the proposed Section 4.1 (1), AES recommends the CAISO to add additional clarity on how deliverability will be determined at the Point of Interconnection (POI). For example, how would the constraints be considered in determining deliverability available at the POI?
Under the proposed Section 4.4, AES recommends the CAISO to clarify what interconnection requests qualify for this study criteria. For example, will this include energy-only projects not in Transmission Zone the Local Regulatory Authority has designated a specific MW quantity of Energy Only capacity for procurement or unselected projects in Section 4.3?