20-Year transmission outlook (2023-2024)

Started: Aug 09, 2023

Jeff Billinton

This process, conducted in parallel to the 2023-2024 transmission planning process, will further support plans to achieve state greenhouse gas reduction and other state policy goals, and consider a broad range of issues associated with potential grid development options to complement the ISO’s existing processes and state agency resource planning efforts.


Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed
April 8, 2024* 20-year report posting
April 16, 2024* Meeting
April 30, 2024* Comments due


Web meeting

Presentation - 20 Year Transmission Outlook - Jan 4, 2024

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Web meeting

Presentation - 20 Year Transmission Outlook - Aug 16, 2023

ISO Responses to Comments - 20 Year Transmission Outlook - Aug 16, 2023

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