Day-ahead sufficiency

Started: Nov 15, 2023

Daniel Johnson
Jill Powers

This initiative will focus on ensuring the ISO balancing authority area (BAA) can accurately calculate its Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM) resource sufficiency evaluation (RSE) position with enough time to take action if there is a projected shortfall. To that end, this initiative will focus on three topics: (1) quantifying day-ahead volumes expected from resource adequacy resources to complement advisory RSE results; (2) accounting for demand response resources; and (3) accounting for strategic reliability reserve resources.


Proposal Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed


Web meeting

Straw Proposal - Day-Ahead Sufficiency

Presentation - Day-ahead Sufficiency - May 13, 2024

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Web meeting

Presentation - Day-Ahead Sufficiency - Dec 18, 2023

Issue Paper - Day-Ahead Sufficiency

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